Rainbow Crafts
These rainbow crafts are simple, but can easily be used leading up to St. Patrick’s Day or anytime of year!
Rainbow Cloud
white paper
crepe paper in rainbow colors
glue stick
Take your white paper and scissors and cut a cloud shape.
Using your marker, draw a face on the cloud.
Cut strips of your crepe paper in different colors and glue them to the back of the cloud.
Optional: Add a string or ribbon to hang!
Squeegee Painting
I saw this online from The Best Ideas for Kids and had to try it and so should you, it’s super satisfying.
washable paint in different colors
cardstock type paper
piece of cardboard
Cut a small square or rectangle of cardboard. One side should line up and sit flush against the paper.
Take your paper and squirt just a very small amount of each color next to one another in the bottom left-hand corner.
Using your cardboard piece, lay it flat on the paper and glide it up and around to make a rainbow. The paint will drag with the cardboard and create a very pretty design. We did this and then traced the paper with a shamrock and cut it out.
Rainbow Bubble Foam
This one is a great sensory activity and can be done right in the bathroom or kitchen sink or at a sensory table.
dish soap
electric mixer
washable food coloring
Take 2 tablespoons dish soap and 1/4 cup water and mix them together until they are frothy and form peaks.
Dump into your sink or bin (whatever you’re using for your little ones to play in) and add a bit of food coloring. I used washable food coloring so it wouldn’t stain. If you don’t have this, take a little bit of washable paint and mix it with water and mix that in to make different colors.
Shaving Cream Rainbow Painting
foam shaving cream
baking sheet
food coloring
paper, I like to use cardstock for this or paper made for painting
Squirt the shaving cream all over a baking sheet.
Sprinkle food coloring all over the shaving cream.
Using a toothpick, swirl the colors around.
Then take your paper, which you can cut into shapes or leave as is, we mad shamrocks, and lightly press it onto the top of the shaving cream.
Pull up and let dry, before it completely dries, wipe off the excess shaving cream and the color will stay.