A Joyful Holiday Wreath

Joy Wreath The Crafty Mommy

I love decorating for the holidays and the first thing I always hang is a wreath on the front door. It welcomes guests and says “we’re ready for the holidays in this house.”

There are thousands of wreaths you can buy (fresh or faux) and thousands of ideas you can make yourself.

I made this wreath a few years ago and love how it came together and it is simple enough that your kiddos can help you make it. I also love that you can do a lot of different things with this idea. I spelled Joy, but you could spell “Holly",” “Jolly",” “Cheers,” or “Merry” among other things.


  • faux or real green wreath (I used a faux one because I love being able to wrap it up at the end of the season and unwrap it and use it the next season)

  • red yarn

  • red markers or craft paint

  • paintbrush if using paint

  • 3D letters

  • hot glue or glue dots


  1. Start by deciding what word you want to spell out and purchase those 3D letters (use whatever size you would like for your wreath). I used 6” letters for my 18 inch wreath.

  2. Take your red yarn (you could also use a different color to go with your own decor) and glue it to the top of your first letter and start to wrap it. I pull this taught and glue every inch or so to keep it in tact.

  3. When you finish wrapping each letter, secure the end with glue.

  4. Because this is 3D you may be able to see the top and the bottom a bit because they won’t be covered with yarn. In this case, I like to take a red marker or craft paint and color this part in so it blends nicely. You won’t see it that much anyway once you attach it to the wreath.

  5. To attach your letters to the wreath, I take more of my yarn, wrap it around the letter and wrap it around the wreath to secure. You may also want to add some glue to make sure it stays in place.


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