Make Your Own Moon Rocks


If your kids love space as much as mine do, this will be a big hit in your house… how to make your own moon rocks with just a few simple ingredients!


  • 1 cup baking soda

  • a few drops of black food coloring

  • assorted glitter

  • 3 tablespoons of water

  • bowl or plastic container

  • plastic gloves

  • parchment or wax paper

  • baking sheet or paper plate


  1. Start by laying your parchment or wax paper on your baking sheet or paper plate.

  2. Then take your bowl or plastic container and dump all of the remaining ingredients.

  3. Using your plastic gloves, mix the ingredients together with your hands.

  4. With your hands, shape the “dough” into four small balls or moon rocks.

  5. Place them on the paper to dry overnight.

Note: when the rocks dry, they will not be rock hard, so you don’t want to squeeze them, but you can pick them up and move them around.


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